Peter Woit : Michio Kaku Has No Idea What He Is Talking About
(trop ancien pour répondre)
Pentcho Valev
2023-05-08 21:30:50 UTC
Peter Woit: "This pretty conclusively shows that the explanation for the Kaku phenomenon is simply that he has no idea what he is talking about." https://www.math.columbia.edu/~woit/wordpress/?p=13487

How about other Einsteinians? Anyone who teaches time travel into the future has no idea what he/she is talking about:

Thibault Damour: "The paradigm of the special relativistic upheaval of the usual concept of time is the twin paradox. Let us emphasize that this striking example of time dilation proves that time travel (towards the future) is possible. As a gedanken experiment (if we neglect practicalities such as the technology needed for reaching velocities comparable to the velocity of light, the cost of the fuel and the capacity of the traveller to sustain high accelerations), it shows that a sentient being can jump, "within a minute" (of his experienced time) arbitrarily far in the future, say sixty million years ahead, and see, and be part of, what (will) happen then on Earth. This is a clear way of realizing that the future "already exists" (as we can experience it "in a minute")." http://www.bourbaphy.fr/damourtemps.pdf

In 1918 Einstein proved that time travel into the future cannot be deduced from special relativity (Damour knows that but finds it profitable to ignore it and talk nonsense):


Pentcho Valev https://twitter.com/pentcho_valev
Pentcho Valev
2023-05-09 11:32:38 UTC
Jolien Creighton, "an expert on general relativity and member of the LIGO team that first spotted gravitational waves": "The fact that the speed of gravitational waves is equal to the speed of electromagnetic waves is simply because they both travel at the speed of information." https://discovermagazine.com/the-sciences/why-does-gravity-travel-at-the-speed-of-light

Does this "expert on general relativity" know what he is talking about? Is "speed of information" defined in physics? Does it have any meaning at all?

Pentcho Valev https://twitter.com/pentcho_valev
