Pentcho Valev
2023-02-08 21:39:10 UTC
Imagine a scenario in which an observer measures a shift in the frequency of the incoming light. Given the formula
(frequency) = (speed of light)/(wavelength),
we conclude that the frequency shift is caused by
(a) an inversely proportional wavelength shift.
(b) a proportional speed-of-light shift.
The generalization of (a) over all possible scenarios is
(A) Any frequency shift is caused by an inversely proportional wavelength shift.
The generalization of (b) over all possible scenarios is
(B) Any frequency shift is caused by a proportional speed-of-light shift.
It is easy to see that (A) is logically equivalent to Einstein's 1905 constant-speed-of-light postulate:
(A') The speed of light is constant.
Analogously, (B) is logically equivalent to
(B') The wavelength of light is constant.
I have been trying, for decades, to show that the fundamental axiom (A') turned out to be a malignancy the metastases of which killed theoretical physics. If so, it makes sense to try to build a new, Einstein-free physics predicated on the axiom (B'). Here are some of the corollaries of the new fundamental axiom:
Corollary 1: Any frequency shift entails (is caused by) a proportional speed-of-light shift.
Corollary 2: If the emitter and the observer travel towards each other with relative speed v, the speed of light relative to the observer is c' = c+v, as posited by Newton's theory.
Corollary 3: Spacetime and gravitational waves (ripples in spacetime) don't exist. LIGO's "discoveries" are fakes.
Corollary 4: Light falls in a gravitational field with the same acceleration as ordinary falling bodies - near Earth's surface the accelerations of falling photons is g = 9.8 m/s^2. Accordingly, there is no gravitational time dilation.
Corollary 5: The so-called cosmological (Hubble) redshift is due to the speed of light gradually slowing down as light travels through vacuum, in a non-expanding universe.
Corollary 6: The dark sky in the Olbers' paradox can be explained by the fact that low-speed, high-redshifted light (known as CMB), coming from very distant sources, is invisible.
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Pentcho Valev
(frequency) = (speed of light)/(wavelength),
we conclude that the frequency shift is caused by
(a) an inversely proportional wavelength shift.
(b) a proportional speed-of-light shift.
The generalization of (a) over all possible scenarios is
(A) Any frequency shift is caused by an inversely proportional wavelength shift.
The generalization of (b) over all possible scenarios is
(B) Any frequency shift is caused by a proportional speed-of-light shift.
It is easy to see that (A) is logically equivalent to Einstein's 1905 constant-speed-of-light postulate:
(A') The speed of light is constant.
Analogously, (B) is logically equivalent to
(B') The wavelength of light is constant.
I have been trying, for decades, to show that the fundamental axiom (A') turned out to be a malignancy the metastases of which killed theoretical physics. If so, it makes sense to try to build a new, Einstein-free physics predicated on the axiom (B'). Here are some of the corollaries of the new fundamental axiom:
Corollary 1: Any frequency shift entails (is caused by) a proportional speed-of-light shift.
Corollary 2: If the emitter and the observer travel towards each other with relative speed v, the speed of light relative to the observer is c' = c+v, as posited by Newton's theory.
Corollary 3: Spacetime and gravitational waves (ripples in spacetime) don't exist. LIGO's "discoveries" are fakes.
Corollary 4: Light falls in a gravitational field with the same acceleration as ordinary falling bodies - near Earth's surface the accelerations of falling photons is g = 9.8 m/s^2. Accordingly, there is no gravitational time dilation.
Corollary 5: The so-called cosmological (Hubble) redshift is due to the speed of light gradually slowing down as light travels through vacuum, in a non-expanding universe.
Corollary 6: The dark sky in the Olbers' paradox can be explained by the fact that low-speed, high-redshifted light (known as CMB), coming from very distant sources, is invisible.
See more here:
Pentcho Valev